Editing your own emails

We’ve all received them. Work emails that go on and on, and on and on. Maybe you’ve even written a few in your career.

So, how do you avoid becoming “that person” who sends screens-long professional emails in your organization?

Before you hit Send, read through your email again with the objective of making it more concise by keeping these editing tips in mind:

  • Did you put the main conclusion/recommendation/ask at the beginning of the message?

  • Are there redundant concepts or words that you can cut?

  • Any unnecessary descriptions or explanations that your reader(s) will already know?

  • Can you delete any meaningless words? E.g. very, actually, I believe, I think

Better yet? Leave at least a day between drafting the email and sending it. Allowing more time before reviewing it will allow your eyes to edit the draft more critically.


Let your madman out


Making sentences more concise